Saturday, July 24, 2010

Passing on positivity

I went to Smith's this morning because I needed to get a few things for dinner tonight. I found what I needed and went to the checkout line. There was a man behind me and he only had one item, and was holding it on the belt as the person in front of me was grabbing their change. I moved the little divider to between my stuff and his, and the most awesome thing happened. He told me "You're Wonderful." it was totally out of the blue and unexpected and so cool. So we talked a little bit and the cashier talked a little too. The moral of the story is passing on positivity.

Even an hour later I still am feeling the effects of being called wonderful by a complete stranger. I just feel happy and cheerful and like I could take on the world and win with a smile. If this one small act can have that big of an impact on me, I wonder what it could do for other people that might actually be having a hard time or a rough day. It will be something to try, and something I will definitely need to work up the courage to do, but I want to try it and see how it goes.

Nothing big today, just the story and my new goal. Also I think a challenge... Try to pass a little positivity on to somebody else that may or may not need it.

You are Wonderful :)

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