Monday, July 19, 2010

Everything has beauty but not everyone sees it.

Everything has beauty but not everyone sees it. - Confucius.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder - Unknown

There is beauty in every aspect of our life. Whether it is easily seen like a sunset or a blooming flower. There is also the beauty that is hard to see, like that found in people or irritating things that seem to keep popping up in life.

The trick is to see the positive side of everything. Nothing exists without a positive side. So just like every negative has a positive inside, so does every annoying, ugly thing have beauty. So whether somebody is tall, skinny, short, fat, attractive, unattractive, sweet, nasty, grumpy, or happy, there is always something beautiful about them. You never know what kind of influence you can be on someone else. Even just by a simple act can you shine light on the beautiful person that they are.

In the story of the "Ugly Duckling" a young swan is born with a nest of ducks. It is made fun of and tortured because it isn't as cute or as good looking as the other ducks. Winter comes and the young swan amid the turmoil of his life contemplates just dying and disappearing so that it doesn't have to be around anybody and nobody has to see him as the ugly duckling that he is. During this adverse time the swan grows to be beautiful.

If we remember that through trials and hard times we can choose to grow into a beautiful swan or remain that ugly duckling. We also need to remember that there may be those who have yet to show themselves as a beautiful swan and putting them down will not help them see their beauty.

So today find something beautiful about yourself. Whether it is inside or out everybody has beauty. It can be found in a talent or a personality trait, or even some crazy good looking biceps. Remember you are a Child of God and he loves you no matter what.

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