Thursday, July 29, 2010
Being a good sport is a great way to make new friends, and generally good ones at that. Sportsmanship can apply to any area of life where competition is involved. Which is generally everywhere. From the board room to the game board it can work. A few reasons to have good sportsmanship in a win or a loss.
1) People will respect you for having it when you win and when you lose.
2) You can attract more bees with honey than with vinegar and the same is true with people
3) It is just more fun to be a good sport about stuff
4) You can learn more if you are humble than prideful and sportsmanship involves humility
Learning the rules and then playing by them is another part of sportsmanship. Integrity will win more hearts than success through deceit will. If you love something go for it too, don't be discouraged by failure early on in new ventures, keep working and pursuing the things you love and you will get to where you want. The feeling of success after hard work is awesome, and I can testify of it.
Most people that know me know I play Ultimate Frisbee... a lot. I started playing just a little over a year ago and fell in love with it. I started out utterly horrible at it. I knew one way of throwing the disc and couldn't throw it very well at all. Through patience of the awesome people I played with and a little help and direction from almost everybody, I got better. I bought my own discs not long after starting and started practicing every night. The best part was I took my little sister out and made her help me practice. (she loves the sport now too) Now a little over a year later, being able to throw the disc all sorts of different ways and actually knowing what I am doing, I have come to know success through hard work and determination.
In short, don't give up, do your best, and be a good sport about it and you can't really fail at what you do.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Easily one of the biggest problems facing the world today, immodesty can be seen anywhere. From the behavior of sports stars and actors, plunging necklines and dropping skirt and short length, and even the purchases we make.
I am going to start with the behavior issues with modesty. Though most people believe modesty to deal with clothes it is part of just about everything we do. I have friends that seem to be slightly obsessed with sports, and that is totally cool. It is a great thing to have a passion for something. What gets me is some of the ways that super star athletes act out these days. Being jerks and doing stupid things for publicity. It isn't the way things used to be as far as I remember. Being in the spotlight all the time it would be nice if a better example was set for the hundreds of thousands of people that look up to them all the time. Being modest about accomplishments and not flaunting them everywhere you go is a great way to make friends.
Next up purchases. Buying big and extravagant stuff that you don't need can send a very wrong message to everybody around you. Mainly that you have lots of money and can buy those great big things that most others might not be able to afford. Would it not be a better choice to put money into something that will have a lasting and positive difference on others? Humanitarian work is huge with all the worldwide catastrophes going on, there are people going hungry and without homes or even a bed to sleep in. Is it not better to maybe get less for you and more for somebody else? The best way to get something out of life is to give what you want away. Aside from generally getting it back you gain something immediately when you give it away. Remember to be modest with what you buy, try to only get what you need.
Last but not least will be the fashion issue, and this is from a guys perspective. Modest clothing is starting to become more and more rare. When a girl wears tight clothes or a shirt that gives you any kind of view of cleavage makes me sick to my stomach. The reason for this being that every single female on this planet is a precious soul, and degrading your body for worldly gain is in my eyes no different than going to a public place and cutting large holes in yourself. A desperate plea for attention and not in a positive direction. There is no positive thing that can come from some guy being able to see down your shirt or up your skirt. All you do is put yourself on a butcher's table as a piece of meat, rather than someone with value. The most attractive girls in the whole world are the ones that have a brilliant countenance. It has nothing to do with what you wear to cover your body, but how you act and carry yourself that is attractive. A smile that carries to your eyes, a quick wit, confidence, and compassion are what will suck at least ME in to be attracted to a girl.
The way you dress can advertise your personality. I often look for funny shirts when I go clothes shopping. I enjoy seeing the reaction of others as they see it or read it and laugh. Bright colors generally will project a bright personality and dull colors a dull personality. Showing more skin will project that you want to be seen more as to things of the body rather than your mind. Be careful to wear clothes that won't reveal more than you want to be seen.
Modest is hottest.
Be seen for who you are.
You are Wonderful :)
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Passing on positivity
I went to Smith's this morning because I needed to get a few things for dinner tonight. I found what I needed and went to the checkout line. There was a man behind me and he only had one item, and was holding it on the belt as the person in front of me was grabbing their change. I moved the little divider to between my stuff and his, and the most awesome thing happened. He told me "You're Wonderful." it was totally out of the blue and unexpected and so cool. So we talked a little bit and the cashier talked a little too. The moral of the story is passing on positivity.
Even an hour later I still am feeling the effects of being called wonderful by a complete stranger. I just feel happy and cheerful and like I could take on the world and win with a smile. If this one small act can have that big of an impact on me, I wonder what it could do for other people that might actually be having a hard time or a rough day. It will be something to try, and something I will definitely need to work up the courage to do, but I want to try it and see how it goes.
Nothing big today, just the story and my new goal. Also I think a challenge... Try to pass a little positivity on to somebody else that may or may not need it.
You are Wonderful :)
Friday, July 23, 2010
Count your many blessings
Gratitude is one of the rare things of this world today. So often we as humans get into a routine and just expect certain things to happen. Whether it is waking up and having a job, a home cooked meal at night, or even a bed to sleep in. It is good to remember where we get these things and also to be grateful for them. One of the best feelings in the world is to know that you are appreciated. By showing our gratitude we can let others know of our appreciation for them. So when you count your blessings next time, count where or who they come from. Let the person behind your blessing know how much you appreciate it.
Also remember to show appreciation to our Father in Heaven. He is where we get our daily breath from, without that we wouldn't have a life to be grateful for. He is involved in every part of our lives down to the smallest and seemingly most insignificant moments, including boredom. He is always there with more blessings for us if we just work even a little bit to get them he is more than happy to pour them out to you.
Some of the things I am grateful for is...
Friends that set a good example for me, Family members who love and tease me, a car to drive, a computer to use, food to eat, a house to live in, talents to share, eyes to see, feet and legs to run, the intelligence I have, teachers that taught me more than just a school subject but life lessons, a bed to sleep in, ultimate frisbee, art, music, laughter, color, hugs, service, the gospel, the atonement, running, sunrises, clouds, being able to make my eyebrows move independent of each other.
That is just a small list of the things that i enjoy on almost a daily basis, or at the very least a weekly basis. The more I think about all the good things I have in life the more all the bad things in life seem to disappear. It is hard to be bitter and grouchy when life is so great all the time. Even at rock bottom there are things to be grateful that you have. So enjoy life, show your gratitude to others, count your blessings, and don't forget to smile.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Losing your life in service.
There have been many times in my life where I have needed a guardian angel. Sometimes it was just when I was sad and being self destructive and needed to be saved from myself. Sometimes it was because I had done something stupid and ended up in a dangerous situation. Whatever the reason I have always had somebody come along to give me that little bit of help I needed. Whether it was a hand up, or a little dose of courage to keep going.
The best part is when somebody I don't even know comes along to help, because it is in those moments that I feel closest to seeing the face of Christ. I know that he sees me in those situations and even before I land myself in them and has somebody come along to help serve. Eternal gratitude for those who have been angels in my life.
I have always wanted to be an angel in the lives of others as well. Even if it is something so small it isn't recognized. I don't know if I have or not, but I love to look out for other people that might need help. One of my favorite things to do is open doors for people. It isn't a huge thing by any means, just holding the door open for somebody. It is just a small and simple act that doesn't take much at all and can still make somebody feel good, like they matter. My mom taught me to do it I think. She trained me as a gentleman from a very young age, and I am still learning as I go.
To serve others is what I love to do. Big service projects, little service projects, or anything in between. I love to teach stuff that I know, and help other people learn. I love my church callings because it is an opportunity to serve all the time. I used to think that I needed to be loved to share my love, and that I had a lot of love to give. I know differently now. I know that loving others is a part of living. Loving no matter what, serving others no matter what. It is so funny that I can find Love in everything.
Loving my fellowman through service is one of the best ways for me to get closer to God. It is all about becoming more Chirstlike. Will I ever get there?? I doubt it. I am going to give it my best effort though. I am going to make my life one of service and serving others. Whether they deserve it or not. So often in the scriptures I find that we are told that we don't get to judge, that is Christ's job. We get to forgive everybody and love one another and just keep doing everything we can to perfect ourselves. It totally makes sense too. If I forgive everybody for everything and love everybody as commanded in the scriptures I will lose sight of all negative feelings that even exist. I can't think of somebody has horrible if I forgive them for what they did. I can't hold a grudge if I love somebody. I would go crazy and my head would explode if I even tried to do that.
So often in my life I have had great examples of service. I have my family and friends to thank for it. I am working to improve myself to do better, to be someone that everybody will say at my funeral, "his life was filled with service." Time on this earth is limited for all of us. We are born we age and we die. It is what we put between our birth and our death that is the measure of ourselves. We are born into life as but babes, our actions and the mark we leave on others will determine if we go out as a giant or not. If our footprint on the hearts of others and the rest of the world is small or large all depends on how we serve others in this life.
If you want to be forgotten live for yourself, If you want to be remembered lose yourself in a life of service.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
For many faith is a belief in something that they don't necessarily know is there or will happen. For me faith is an action. It is proof that you are willing to do anything and give everything for what you believe in. Never letting up just because times might be hard or the path rough. Faith is unwavering determination and the action brought from that determination. Something I ask myself often is "Am I willing to sacrifice myself for what I have faith in?" Sometimes the answer is yes, sometimes it is no. When it is no I have to ask myself why not and figure out why I wouldn't. Often times it is because I should either not have faith in what I think I do, or I need to become stronger in my faith.
Now something that I have always equated with Faith is Love. You really can't have one without the other. Faith in God, Faith in Family, Faith in Friends, Faith in Myself. Everything I have faith in I also love, with all my heart. I would give anything and everything to those I have faith in.
Faith in God. Again and again he shows his hand in my life. He has a hand in the lives of all his children. What parent loving their children wouldn't help them to grow and succeed in life? He has helped me through so many hard times and will continue to do so in the future. 100% trust 100% faith 100% love. He is the anchor for my soul and the goal in my heart. I have no fear of standing before him today tomorrow or ever. My faith in God is the strongest of all.
Faith in Family. Just like Faith in God my family has always been there for me in one way or another. Whether it is teaching me lessons I need to learn, or just being there to support me when I am going through a hard time. My mom personally has been a huge support to me and has taught me about Love, Humility, Patience, and Enduring through trials. She has honestly got to be the strongest person I have ever met in my entire life. My dad has taught me a lot about working hard and doing your part, things that are necessary for me to grow up and be a good father myself. My siblings have taught me to laugh, to have fun, to enjoy the small things in life as well as the big, and that being my own person and doing things the way that I need to do them are important. I want to be there for my family as much as they have been there for me. No matter what I will always have Faith in my Family.
Faith in Friends. I haven't always had the best friends. Sometimes in life you don't make good choices about who you associate with most often outside of your family. The good friends that I do make leave an eternal imprint of themselves in me. Whether it has been raising me from a dark abyss I had myself buried in, being there when I needed them most, or just making me feel included and wanted. The best friends I have ever had to this point in my life have all been way better than me. Always encouraging me to do the right things or to make the best choices. Not trying to change me themselves, but doing it by being amazing examples and friends that I would stand with no matter what. For me friends are the most valuable thing in the world beyond my Family and my God. Faith in them comes without question.
Faith in Myself. Growing up I had a problem with myself. I never seemed to be the absolute best at something. My problem was I was comparing myself to my siblings. Never as good as my brother at basketball, as smart as my older sister, as loving as my younger sister, or as pure as my youngest sister. So with all the bases covered, I had nothing to be the best at in my family. It took me a long time to finally figure out what I was best at. I was best at being me. Everybody has strengths and weaknesses. Finding out each and every one of my weaknesses is still a journey I am on. Knowing that I am different from everybody that there ever was, and that I am special for that reason is a lesson I hold close to my heart. I need to be the best ME I can be. Trying to be better than everybody else won't get me there, only trying my hardest and asking for help when I need it. Knowing my limitations and pushing them a little further every time. Learning to have faith in myself has been one of the hardest things for me to do in my life. It has also been one of the most rewarding.
So for anybody that decides to read this, I urge you. Find what you have faith in, make it unbreakable. Be Yourself and when you need help ask for it. God will always help those who need it and ask. Just don't forget once you ask to act and work for what you want like your life depends on it. That is Faith.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Stepping Forward and Stepping up
Life can take some interesting turns. Things happen that we don't have control over. Whether it is being diagnosed with a disease or having a car die on the side of the road. Something that we all need to remember when we have "bad" things happen to us is that
A. God loves us.
B. Every trial will come with a blessing or added strength to yourself.
The very attitude in which we take these trials that we get can define us. We can choose to become bitter and angry because stuff shouldn't happen to us because we are doing what we are supposed to. We can choose to try to run from our problems all together and pretend that they don't exist. We can also choose to take our trials head on and with a good attitude. You never know you might even learn to enjoy these learning experiences that God lets us have.
A wise man(my brother) gave me some sage advice about life.
You climb a mountain step by step, Just like life there are things that sometimes we want right away but we get discouraged because we cant obtain them quickly enough. The advice would be take life step by step, sometimes we feel like we are falling behind but the important thing is to keep advancing. The people in the back that are moving forward are better off than the people that are in the front moving backwards.
No matter where we are in life right now. Whether you are in back alleys lighting up a joint, doing humanitarian service in a 3rd world country, or anything in-between, you can choose right now. It is better to be moving forward than backwards. Don't be afraid of getting help, asking for prayers, or being a better you. Fear is something that comes from Satan. Fear of death, fear of loss, fear of pain, fear of humility, fear of love, fear of fun, fear of growing, fear of learning. There are so many things out there in this world that we need to remember to not be afraid of what it has to offer. We are here for a reason, our existence is not random. Don't be afraid. Do what you know is right, do what you can to help others, be the best you there is. If you do that then there is no fear that will be able to cripple you and prevent you from taking that step forward or that step up. I attest to you right now as Children of God there is no limit to our potential there is no limit to what we can become. Trust in the Lord, do your part and success will be inevitable.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Everything has beauty but not everyone sees it.
Everything has beauty but not everyone sees it. - Confucius.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder - Unknown
There is beauty in every aspect of our life. Whether it is easily seen like a sunset or a blooming flower. There is also the beauty that is hard to see, like that found in people or irritating things that seem to keep popping up in life.
The trick is to see the positive side of everything. Nothing exists without a positive side. So just like every negative has a positive inside, so does every annoying, ugly thing have beauty. So whether somebody is tall, skinny, short, fat, attractive, unattractive, sweet, nasty, grumpy, or happy, there is always something beautiful about them. You never know what kind of influence you can be on someone else. Even just by a simple act can you shine light on the beautiful person that they are.
In the story of the "Ugly Duckling" a young swan is born with a nest of ducks. It is made fun of and tortured because it isn't as cute or as good looking as the other ducks. Winter comes and the young swan amid the turmoil of his life contemplates just dying and disappearing so that it doesn't have to be around anybody and nobody has to see him as the ugly duckling that he is. During this adverse time the swan grows to be beautiful.
If we remember that through trials and hard times we can choose to grow into a beautiful swan or remain that ugly duckling. We also need to remember that there may be those who have yet to show themselves as a beautiful swan and putting them down will not help them see their beauty.
So today find something beautiful about yourself. Whether it is inside or out everybody has beauty. It can be found in a talent or a personality trait, or even some crazy good looking biceps. Remember you are a Child of God and he loves you no matter what.
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